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 Thriller - Michael Jackson

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Zodiaque : Balance Serpent
Nombre de messages : 7803
Âge : 34
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2008
Localisation : Pas-de-Calais (62)

Thriller - Michael Jackson Empty
MessageSujet: Thriller - Michael Jackson   Thriller - Michael Jackson EmptyJeu 28 Mar - 18:37

Titre de la chanson : Thriller
Interprète : Michael Jackson
Année de parution : 1983

Pour inaugurer cette nouvelle sous-partie sur nos chères créatures dans le monde de la musique, quoi de mieux que Thriller de Michael Jackson ? Je ne suis pas spécialement fan du King of Pop, mais ce clip est quand même un classique, réalisé par John Landis (à qui l'on doit Le Loup-Garou de Londres) ! Le clip met en scène un loup-garou, en la personne de Michael Jackson, ainsi que des zombies.

Voici les paroles pour les intéressés :

It's close to midnight
Something evil's lurkin'in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller at night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller at night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight, yeah

You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
But all the while
You hear a creature creepin' up behind
You're outta time

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller at night
There ain't no second chance
Against the thing with the forty eyes, girl
Thriller at night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer
Thriller tonight

Night creatures callin'
The dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time
(They're open wide)
This is the end of your life
They're out to get you
There's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
[. From: http://www.elyrics.net .]
All through the night
I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see

That this is thriller
Thriller at night
'Cause I can thrill you more
Than any ghoul would ever dare try
(Thriller at night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(Killer, diller, chiller)
(Thriller here tonight)

'Cause this is thriller
Thriller at night
Girl, I can thrill you more
Than any ghoul would ever dare try
(Thriller at night)
So let me hold you tight
And share a
(Killer, thriller)

I'm gonna thrill you tonight

Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'alls neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell

I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller night, thriller))
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Ooh, babe, I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller at night, babe

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller
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Thriller - Michael Jackson

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